Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Yesterday was a different day instead of having English with Lourdes we met

a lady called Kate. She said that she was from England, so she was British; She teaches in the

school Ruiz Amado.

She talked to us and I understood everything. She told us that her exhusband worked in the Centre of parachuting and that she had learnt little Spanish and Catalan because tourists spoke either English, French or German.

It was a nice talk because she spoke about habits, schools, timetables, pubs, night clubs, it was very interesting. I really enjoyed it!

A very good idea Lourdes and Sonia!!!!

Bye and a big kiss***


1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi Sandra!!!
How are you¿?

You have a nice blog and I understood too everythink that the English teacher spoke. That's a good thing. This is the last week that we have exams. OK; the previous week. Next-->recuperations. I hope that you marks are well.

A big hug ang a big kss**